

Is force measured in kilograms

Updated: 4/28/2022
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7y ago

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No, kilograms are mass units. The SI unit of force is the newton; a newton is a kilogram-meter per second per second.

That means that under standard Earth gravity, a 1 kg mass weighs ... is attracted towards the Earth with a force of ... about 9.8 N.

One thing that's a little confusing about "the metric system" for some people is that pounds are a unit of force (weight) but kilograms are a unit of mass. The US unit for mass is an uncommon one (it's called a "slug"). A slug is the amount of mass that can be accelerated at one foot per second per second by a force of 1 pound; to put it another way, on the surface of the Earth, 1 slug of mass has a weight of about 32 pounds.

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Weight is a force. It is described as the gravitational force acting on an object. It is measured in newtons. If you are thinking of the mass (measured in kilograms for instance) then you multiply by the acceleration due to gravity. Weight = g x mass.

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In physics, the net force is measured in Newton. The formula for net force is given as the mass times the acceleration. The mass is given in kilograms (kg), and the acceleration is measured in meters per second squared. A Newton is equivalent to a kilogram-meters per second squared.

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A mass of 35 pounds is equivalent to 15.9 kilograms. What it weighs will be measured in Newtons, not kilograms, and will depend on the force of gravity (if any).

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"Weight" is a force. Any weight, alive or dead, is described inunits of force. Popular ones include Newtons and pounds.NOT kilograms.

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A force is not measured in kilograms. The kilogram is a unit of mass; forces are measured in newtons. You can get the force with Newton's Second Law. In this problem, you will need some additional information, specifically, the object's mass.

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Matter can be measured in either grams or kilograms or a combination of both.

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The force of gravity between two objects is measured in newtons. This is no different, technically, than what weight "should" be measured in. We use pounds and kilograms, but we should be using newtons, to be scientifically correct.