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No, four sixths is less than four thirds. I like to think of it this way:

1) Reduce: 4/6 = 2/3

4/3 = 4/3 (cannot be reduced)

2) Think of the fraction as a pie. You divide the pie in 3 ways (the denominator when both fractions are reduced) For the first pie, only 2 out of the 3 slices are being eaten. For the second pie, 4 out of 3....Then you think: well, 3/3 is one whole pie, so 4/3 means there is no excess, there is not enough.

3) Also, you can divide the numerator (the top number) into the denominator (the bottom number) to get percentages, and see which one is greater.

So: 4 divided by 6 = .666...66 %

4 divided by 3 = 1.3...over 100%

I hope this helped!

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