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No. Frequency is just a measure of "how often". It can be less than, equal to or greater than normal.

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Q: Is frequency a greater than normal occurrence of the urge to urinate?
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When is equivalent variation greater than the Compensated variation When also is compensated variation be greater than the equivalent variation?

When goods are normal, CV > EV.

What is the normal value of Triglycerides?

male ---- greater than 40 - 170 mg/dl female -----greater than 35 - 135 mg/dl

What proportion of sample proportions have a value greater than the population in any normal sample proportion distribution?

A half.

What is the characteristic of a normal distribution?

The Normal (or Gaussian) distribution is a symmetrical probability function whose shape is determined by two values: the mean and variance (or standard deviation).According to the law of large numbers, if you take repeated independent samples from any distribution, the means of those samples are distributed approximately normally. The greater the size of each sample, or the greater the number of samples, the more closely the results will match the normal distribution. This characteristic makes the Normal distribution central to statistical theory.

How many zeros are in pi?

Pi is an irrational number with an infinite number of digits.The answer to this question depends upon whether pi is a "normal" irrational number or not. By "normal" in this context we mean that it has an infinite number of non repeating digits and there is an equal probability for the occurrence of any digit in the number. If this is true then in an infinite sequence, where any digit has an equal chance of appearing, then there must be an infinite number of that digit. So the answer is that there are an infinite number of zeroes in pi.If pi is not normal then the answer is unknown.

Related questions

Is frequency to urinate normal during pregnancy?

Yes, especially in the later stages of pregnancy, when there is pressure from the enlarging uterus on the bladder.

Is it normal to have urge to urinate while catheterised?

yes it normal. You will have a bag where you can urinate. When it will be full you can empty to the toilet

I urinate while pooing together is this normal?

yes that is normal

Is it normal to urinate after a bath?

Nothing wrong with that.

Is 24 percent oxygen considered a normal occurrence?

No, 20% oxygen is the normal atmospheric level.

Is it normal to have a bowel movement every time you urinate?

If you need too!

You have blue eyes but there are patches of brown in them is this a normal occurrence?

yes yes

Is it normal to urinate every 30 minutes?

It is not normal to urinate every 30 minutes. This could be a sign of a medical condition such as a urinary tract infection or overactive bladder. It is recommended to consult a healthcare provider for further evaluation and treatment.

What frequency is normal speech?

The frequency range for normal speech is typically between 125 Hz and 8,000 Hz. Most speech sounds fall within this range, with vowels generally lower in frequency and consonants higher in frequency.

Is it normal for a one month old to urinate frequently?

Yes, it is normal as long as there is no fever and breast feed is being taken properly.

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What drinks make you urinate the most?

Diuretics like caffeine and alcohol make you urinate more often than normal. Drinking a lot of water wil also do the job.