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one electric meter two shoap in legal .

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Q: Is it legal for two tenants to share one electric meter?
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What are the Kinds of tenants in the Philippines?

There are six types of tenants. These are the following: 1. Cash Tenants- tenants who pay cash as rent in the plot that they work on. 2. Share of produce Tenants- tenants who give a part of their product as rent 3. Rent-free Tenants- tenants who don't pay rent and work for free 4. Cash and Fixed Amount of Produced Tenants- tenants who give cash and a fixed quantity as rent on the people they work as tenants 5. Cash and Share of Produced Tenants- tenants who give cash and a share of their product as rent. 6. I dont remember anymore but I hope this will help.

Can joint owned property with three owners be willed to one of the surviving parties over the other?

No. Property owned by three people as joint tenants with the right of survivorship cannot be "willed" at all. When one owner dies their share automatically passes to the surviving joint tenants.No. Property owned by three people as joint tenants with the right of survivorship cannot be "willed" at all. When one owner dies their share automatically passes to the surviving joint tenants.No. Property owned by three people as joint tenants with the right of survivorship cannot be "willed" at all. When one owner dies their share automatically passes to the surviving joint tenants.No. Property owned by three people as joint tenants with the right of survivorship cannot be "willed" at all. When one owner dies their share automatically passes to the surviving joint tenants.

How is sharecroppers differ from landowners?

Sharecroppers are tenants who work on land owned by someone else and pay a portion of their crops as rent. Landowners, on the other hand, own the land and may lease or rent it out to sharecroppers or other tenants. Landowners have legal ownership and control over the land, while sharecroppers work the land in exchange for a share of the crops they produce.

Whether any one can share his electric meter connection with another without obtaining permission?

Your question answers itself. Yes, it is physically possible to share connections if you know what you are doing as an electrical engineer, but it is generally illegal to do so without permission.

Is it legal to share private emails?

You can share private emails as long as they are your own. You shouldn't have access to others emails and if you do, it is not legal to share them.

What can you do your dad passed suddenly intestate he and his sibling are on the deed of what was their parents house does his share pass to your mother if not what can be done?

The answer depends upon how your Dad and his siblings took title to the property: as tenants in common or as joint tenants with right of survivorship. As joint tenants with right of survivorship, his share would pass to the other siblings named in the deed. If they acquired as tenants in common, then his share would pass to his heirs at law according to the laws of his state. In that case your Mother would need to petition to be appointed administrator of his estate in order for title to pass legally to his heirs, his widow and children.

What is joint tenancy?

Joint tenancy is actually a term involving ownership of property. The two most common legal forms of property ownership involving two or more people are as "joint tenants" or as "tenants in common." Spouses of one another generally take title as joint tenants, because on the death of a joint tenant the surviving joint tenant automatically becomes the owner of the property. If they had been tenants in common, the deceased person's share would have formed part of the deceased person's estate, which might not have been left to the surviving tenant in common.

How much notice must tenants in Maryland be given to convert their apartment to a time share?

180 days

What type of property ownership allows each person to own their share independently with the right to transfer that share by sale or will?

Tenants in common can sell their interest and leave it by their Will.

What does tenancy mean?

Joint tenancy is actually a term involving ownership of property. The two most common legal forms of property ownership involving two or more people are as "joint tenants" or as "tenants in common." Spouses of one another generally take title as joint tenants, because on the death of a joint tenant the surviving joint tenant automatically becomes the owner of the property. If they had been tenants in common, the deceased person's share would have formed part of the deceased person's estate, which might not have been left to the surviving tenant in common.

Does resident owe rent to nonresident in 'tenants in common' house?

A resident does not usually owe rent to a non resident in a house owned by "tenants in common" if the resident is one of the tenants. When a house is owned by "tenants in common", all tenants share use of the house or property. If one chooses not to use it, that is his business. (Of course, what is usual may not apply in your local area. There are also ways to end a joint tenancy.)

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is share cropping legal in the US