It depends how much you eat and drink If you eat the amout you are supposed to eat you are supposed to go about 2x
i poo because i doo big tutti, its not dat disgushting u nooo, its only half a poo dough
Goats poo many times a day! Seems like they poo all the time! If you don't have goats, you may be surprised to learn that their poos are small like rabbit poo. It's not big and nasty like cow poo. :) Goats also digest seeds completely, so they are good for clearing weeds and brush. They do not poo out the seeds so the weeds are not reseeded the next year. They poo more than Amy other animal
you should because it means your imune systems is working and that you are eating.
Well no matter what time of day it is you're always making poo poo.
poo for a long time
An elephant produces 20 kilos of poo a day
Other words for "poo" include these terms:bowel movement, also abbreviated as 'BM' or "BMs" for more than one time in a period of time.fecesexcrementwastesolid bodily wastestool, or formed stooldiarrhea - if more watery than formedother words that are impolite to say.The correct term is faecesFaecesfaeces is the most commonPoo poo, scat, and dung are all terms used for excrement.
poo poo
Usually not more than 10 pounds
Gorillas do not poo a lot. They poo about twice a day, on average.
I have a cat myself and yes, she has blacky to dark brown coloured poo. It is to do with the intake of more nutritional factors than another like more iron than protein.