Sure, an extra pinky or outermost toe is a reasonably common birth defect.
"When putting on gloves." You start with 10 human fingers and 10 glove fingers, but end with 10 total fingers.
well if u asked this in 2010 now it would be 1951 and then just add one more to make 2009
Well, happy little accident there! If you were born in 1989, you would be 32 years old now. Just like a beautiful tree growing stronger and more vibrant with each passing year, you too have grown and blossomed into a wonderful individual.
Someone who suggest we should replace base 10 with base 12. They feel that a system that is just based on the number of fingers is silly. Why not have a system that is more useful. In base 12, the number "10" would be what we call "12". So you could evenly divide 10 into 2 equal parts, 3 equal parts of 4 equal parts. Then there would be 50 seconds in a minute, 50 minutes in an hour and 20 hours in a day. Much better.
Mixed is someone who is more than one race like me, im Puerto Rican, Native American, Black, Trindanian, White And Irish
Fingers. The oil glands on the fingers naturally create a tingling sensation.
About 1 in 500 to 1 in 1,000 people are born with polydactyly, a condition where a person has more than 10 fingers or toes. This means that a very small percentage of the population is born with 12 fingers.
The development of agriculture made early civilization posssible. Now they could feed groups of more than a few dozen.
Most humans have 10 fingers, but some individuals may have a condition known as polydactyly, which causes them to be born with extra fingers or toes. Additionally, some species of animals such as cats, dogs, and horses can also be born with extra digits.
Its scientifically proven that the more sausage you eat, the more your fingers become sausages themselves. That's why all Italian grandmas have sausage fingers
Addition is like counting on your fingers. If you hold up two fingers on you hand, then you put up two more fingers, you don't say I have 2 fingers up and now i put up two more so i have two fingers up doubled, you say I have four fingers up. Like adding, counting on your fingers is exactly the same. For instance. two plus two if four so on your fingers you can put up two fingers and then put up two more and have four. I hope I helped you!
Most people have five fingers on each hand, totaling ten fingers altogether. However, some individuals may have more or fewer fingers due to genetic variations or physical abnormalities.
The condition is called polydactyly. It is a congenital anomaly where a person is born with more than the usual number of fingers or toes on one or both hands or feet.
The question is impossible to answer, as the number changes from minute to minute. If the question is "How many people have lost fingers due to accidents", then the answer would number in the hundreds of thousands, if not more. If the question is "How many people are BORN with an unusual number of fingers on at least one hand", then the number is probably somewhere in the tens of thousands, as a purely uneducated, but plausible guess.
i have five fingers but, some people in this world have less or more fingers but everybody is different so tell us your answer
Fingers have more independent movement than toes due to a higher number of muscles and tendons that allow for greater dexterity and flexibility. Additionally, fingers have a more complex bone structure with multiple joints that enable a wider range of motion compared to toes.
Feet - metatarsals , phalanges - fingers ,