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Without a unit after the number 0.75 (like degrees, radians, etc), it is impossible to tell what happened, kind of like how saying "He walked 10" does not tell you very much about the distance the person walked. The person may have walked 10 feet, a short and very reasonable distance, or 10 miles, a rather long distance that most people would not want to walk.

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Q: Is it reasonable to say a figure has turned 0.75 and explain it in a sentence?
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Is it reasonable to say a figure has turned 0.75 explain your answer?


Is it reasonable to say a figure has turned 0.75?

Absolutly not it is so useless in that subject

Is this reasonable to say a figure has turned 0.75?

No, it is a statement without any meaning.

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Is it to say a figure has turned 0.75?

No, it is not.

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