assalamualaikkum dear brother,
the kiyamul lile prayer is maximum 11 rakat.
Assalam o Alaikum, well you didn't specify which Salat (Namaz) you are talking about....well im gonna tell you about all the Salat's Rakats........ Fajr: i) First two rakat Sunnat Muakkadah ii) Two rakat Fard Zuhr: i) Four rakat Sunnat Muakkadah ii) Four rakat Fard iii) Two rakat sunnat Muakkadah iv) Two rakat Nafl (Optional but spiritually beneficial) Asr: i) Four rakat sunnat ghair Muakkadah (Optional but spiritually beneficial) ii) Four rakat Fard Maghrib i) Three rakat Fard ii) Two rakat Sunnat Muakkadah iii) Two rakat nafl (Optional but spiritually beneficial) Isha: i) Four rakat sunnat e Ghair Muakkadah (Optional but spiritually beneficial) ii) Four rakat Fard iii) Two Rakat Sunnat Muakkadah iv) Two rakat Nafil (Optional but spiritually beneficial) v) Three rakat Wajib (Vitar, this is the last prayer of the night which is why it is different, you can still read dua and quraan after vitar however, if you want to read extra nafil you can but you don't have to, you just get extra points off Allah. If you want Friday Prayers than ask the question and I will have another page for you on it. Inshaalah I have helped you. If there is anything else you need help on just ask and inshaalah I will have the answer for you on another page. Just write in the question and I will be happy to help and if I don't have the page email me Allah bless you.
Isha:i) Four rakat sunnat e Ghair Mokadda (Optional but spiritually beneficial)ii) Four rakat Fardiii) Two Rakat Sunnat Mokaddaiv) Two rakat Nafil (Optional but spiritually beneficial)v) Three rakat Wajibvi) Two rakat Nafil (Optional but spiritually beneficial)
Friday Jamaat prayer -2 rakatBut if done seperately or after the khudba, then 4 rakat farzGeneral prayer - 2 rakatEid prayer - 2 rakatFuneral prayer -2 rakatMid morning prayer (duha) -2 rakatEclipse prayer - i don't knowTarawih prayer - 20 rakatTahajjud prayer - 11 rakatBy Daniah hope this helps
Asr: i) Four rakat sunnat ghair Muakkadah (Optional but spiritually beneficial) ii) Four rakat Fard
20 + 8 = 28 20 - 8 = 12 20 x 8 = 160 20/8 = 2.5
There are 17 Rakat (bowing) in the due prayers. Thx.
4- Sunna, 4 - Faraz, 2-Snna, 2-Nafal= 12 rakat.
8/20 is 40 %
Ablution (Wudu') Prior to performing the daily prayers, and as a recommended or obligatory prerequisite to other acts of worship, Muslims must purify themselves - this is usually done with water. The minor form of this purification with water is called Wudu, while the major form is called Ghusl. If water is not available, the purification can be performed with clean earth or soil, and is called Tayammum. There are five required daily prayers for every muslim. Each prayer consist of several Rakats (parts) depending to the time it is performed for. The Dawn 2 Rakat (fajr), Noon 4 rakat (duhr), Afternoon 4 rakat (asr), Sunset 3 rakat (magreb), and Night 4 rakat (esha) prayers.
How many rakat are in the jumma namaz in suadi
8 as a percent of 20 is: 8/20 times 100 = 40%