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False because 7*24*6 = 1008 hours

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Q: Is it true or false that there are less than 1000 hours in 6 weeks?
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Are there less than 1000 hours in 6 weeks?

Let's find out If there are less than 1000 hours in 6 weeks. We know that one day is composed of 24 hours. There are 7 days in one week which means there are 168 hours in one week.Now that we know there are 168 hours in 1 week we can find out how many Hours are in 6 weeks - 168 * 6 = 1008 hours.So No - there are more than 1000 hours in 6 weeks. In fact there is 1008 hours in 6 weeks.

Is there less than 1000 hours in 6 weeks?

1 week = 7 x 24 hours = 168 6 x 168 = 1,008 so there are 8 more hours than 1,000 in 6 weeks

True or false is five thousand weeks less than a century?

no it isnt

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a premature labor occurs when the fetus has been developing in the womb for 37 weeks or less, a false labor is when the mother feels contractions and believes the labor may have begun hours or days before the actual labor starts.

How many weeks is in 65 hours?

Less than one. That's two days and 17 hours.

How long are retroflective beads allowed to be remain in storage tanks?

false (less than two weeks)

Are there less than 1000 hours in 6 days?

Yes. 24 hours in a day, times 6 days is 144 hours.

How many weeks is 89 hours?

24 + 24 + 24 + 17 = 89 Answer: 3 days 17 hours i.e. less than a week

Are there less than 1000 minutes in a day?

No. Their are 24 hours in a day and 60 minutes in and hour 24 hours * 60 minutes = 1440 minutes in a day

How long is 3000 work hours equal in years?

The number of working hours, and working weeks in a year, can vary from case to case. You can assume an average of about 8 working hours a day, 5 days a week, and perhaps 50 working weeks a year - but it may be a bit less, depending on how many weeks of vacation an employee has. Also, an employee will usually not work 40 hours every week on average; it will be a bit less due to sick leave, vacations, etc. Anyway, you can make an estimate based on these numbers - probably anywhere between 2000 working hours a year, and perhaps 10-20% less than that.

What is 1 less than 1000?

1000 - 1 = 999

How much is 25 dollars per hour annually?

depends on how many hours you're working... full time at 40 hours for 52 weeks is about $52,000... less holidays.