No-some say the secrets of the universe will only be unlocked with advanced math as the key.
In math best
it depends on what the confersation is like if it's math, you can say do you like math? and he will say his answer and then you say yours. and you can talk like that
Since math homework IS math, you can't really say one is better or worse than the other.
they are math worksheets that when you figure out the answer they say somthing with the words by the answers to the problems
There are a lot of types of math as in........ algebra geometry math is in science and other one i dont know of but hey....... u know what they say....... math is everywhere and so there are different kinds
you can live with them for as long as you want although it would be weird. i moved out when i was 25
To say "You are weird" in Tagalog, you can say "Ikaw ay kakaiba."
i have been back and forth on the phone all day. it seems that it will be on ESPN, this is from ADD. so if you have first net you have ESPN. the weird thing is that if you have DU and look on the guide it does not say superbowl. but they assure me that it will be on live, i wont hold my breath
In math best
You can say "Você é estranho" in Portuguese to mean "you are weird."
In Chinese, you can say "奇怪" (qíguài) to mean weird or strange.
You can say it "raro" or "extraño."
weird = seltsam, eigenartig in colloquial or slang it is "abgedreht"
"Weird" in Tagalog can be translated as "kakaiba" or "nakakapagtaka."
The word for "weird" in Hawaiian is "naniwala'au."
"Weird" in French can be translated as "bizarre" or "étrange."
i wouldnt say bad breath would run in the family i would say you would get bad breath if you dont brush your teeth