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Math can describe many things about a crime scene. Ladder marks in the ground will tell, with trig, the length of a ladder used to enter a building window. Wound cavity description, like surveying only smaller, can indicate the kind of bullet used to create such a cavity, the probable barrel length to impart required velocity sufficient to create such a cavity if the shooting distance is known. Skid marks on pavement often can yield fair approximations of vehicle speed prior to a sudden stop. This would be a crime scene if the sudden stop was against someone's body and the vehicle left prior to police arrival. Probability, a deeply mathematical arena, intuitively suggests that if 5 banks are robbed in an area that doesn't have lots of bank robberies, there's a new bad guy in town. chemical analysis, often featured on one of the CSI's, is reported with a mass spectromoter, or gas chromatograph. this device yields proportions of element information in parts per million. That is, I believe, one of the many ways math CAN be used in acquiring and identifying crime scene evidence. The list is limited only by imagination.

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Q: Is math used in CSI
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