Well, friend, when it comes to temperatures, negative numbers work a bit differently. In this case, minus 4 is actually colder than minus 3. Each number lower on the negative scale represents a lower temperature, just like each brushstroke adds depth to a painting.
-3 - 4 = -7 (minus seven)
-4 + -3 = -7
(-3)-(4)=(-3)+4=1 Minus times minus equals plus. The reason for this we need not discuss.
The other way round because minus 10 is colder than minus 4
7 degrees is colder than 3 degrees by 4 degrees.
Yes, -14 is colder than -4. The lower the temperature, the colder it is. In this case, -14 degrees is 10 degrees colder than -4 degrees.
1 - 4 = -3 degrees Celsius.
-4 degrees Fahrenheit is colder than 0 degrees Fahrenheit.
Is 3/4 greater than 2/3
-3 - 4 = -7 (minus seven)
x/4 - (9 - 3) =x/4 - 6
3 degrees Celsius warmer than -4 degrees Celsius is -1 degree Celsius.
v > 6
-4 + -3 = -7