To compare these fractions, you have to express them using a common denominator.
The LCM of 5 and 7 is 35.
So rewrite them with denominators of 35.
1/5 = (1/5)(7/7) = 7/35
2/7 = (2/7)(5/5) = 10/35
7 is less than 10.
so 7/35 < 10/35
Therefore 1/5 < 2/7
Answer: four-sevenths. One minus three-sevenths is four sevenths
Six sevenths is one seventh less than four fourths.
No, one seventh is smaller than a fifth. It is divided seven times while a fifth is only divided five times.
No it is more then one half.
The answer is 17/35.
less than
less..27/70 half would be 35/70
2/7 is 3/14 less than 1/2.