One hundred thousand is not a million.
a hundred thousand and one. The next power of 10 higher is one million.
One million is larger than one hundred thousand because one million has more zero's in it than one hundred thousand. The more zero's you have, the greater the number is.
One million, seven hundred thousand written in numerals are 1 700 000.
No, a billion is one thousand million. There is no short form of one hundred million.
One hundred thousand is not a million.
One hundred = 102 One thousand = 103 One million = 106 One million is a multiple of one hundred and one thousand.
Nine million, nine hundred thousand
The correct spelling is "ninety-five thousand"
One million, one hundred thousand.
three million one hundred thousand
One hundred million one hundred nineteen thousand in numbers is 100,119,000
a hundred thousand and one. The next power of 10 higher is one million.
3,100,000 = three million, one hundred thousand.