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Its False.

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Q: Is plurality more than half the votes cast true or false?
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A candidate or party with the most votes cast in an election though not necessarily more than half is known as a?


How many votes needed to win if 175 voters with 8 candidates?

To win in an election with 175 voters and 8 candidates, a candidate would need at least half of the total votes plus one. So, in this case, a candidate would need 88 votes (175 / 2 + 1) to win the election.

Why is plurality important?

Because it guarantees a result. In a multi-candidate election in which no candidate has obtained as much as half of the vote, the largest single total of votes for any candidate. A plurality (or first-past-the-post) electoral system is one which selects such a candidate as the winner.

What is it called when a state requires a candidate for governor to win by over fifty percent?

Some elections require the winner to receive a majorityof the votes, which would be more than 50% of the votes cast. In some gubernatorial elections, there may be several candidates running for the office, and quite often the candidate who receives the most votes receives only a fraction of the total votes cast and considerably less than half. The candidate is said to have received a plurality of the votes in such cases. Some states require that there be a runoff election between the top two candidates in order to have one win by a majority.

What is the percentage of voter who has actually cast their votes?

to win an election is it necessary for a person to secure more than half the votes polled

All electors in present times are required to cast their votes for the candidate who wins a states popular vote?

False About half the states have state laws that require the elector to cast his vote according to popular vote. The others do not. However, the electors are chosen for their party loyalty and have worked hard and contributed money to elect their party's candidate. It is highly unlikely that one would be a traitor to his party. The votes are not secret.

What is a majority?

It means more than half of the original number.A majority is more than half. ( A plurality is the choice with the most votes, which can be less than half if there are more than two choices. )it means most of

What is absolute majority?

An absolute majority is a total count for one candidate of more than half of the votes cast.

What is an absolute majority?

An absolute majority is a total count for one candidate of more than half of the votes cast.

What is the difference between majority rule and plurality rule?

A majority rule is a decision which means that more than 50%+1 of the voters, voted for a particular person or issue at hand. A plurality rule means that less than 50% voted for the person or issue, but that vote earned more than any other vote.

What must congress have in order to do business?

a quorum ( one over half votes )

How do you get more than half of votes?

When more then half of the voters vote for you.