

Best Answer

-- All regular (equilateral) triangles are similar.

-- All squares are similar.

-- All pentagons are similar.

-- All hexagons are similar.





Any regular polygon is similar to all other regular polygons

with the same number of sides.

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Q: Is regular polygons also similar
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What polygons are always similar?

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The corresponding sides of two similar regular polygons must have equal lenghts?

Yes, the corresponding sides of two similar regular polygons must have equal lengths. This is because both the polygons are similar, which means that since they are also polygons, they must have equal lengths.

Must the corresponding angles of two similar regular polygons be equal?

All angle of two similar regular polygons must be equal.

Are two regular polygons always similar?


Are any two regular polygons with the same number of sides similar?

Yes, regular polygons will have all sides equal length, and all angles the same. If two polygons of the same number of sides are 'regular' then those two polygons will be similar (they may be scaled, for example).

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All regular polygons with an even number of sides. Also rectangles.All regular polygons with an even number of sides. Also rectangles.All regular polygons with an even number of sides. Also rectangles.All regular polygons with an even number of sides. Also rectangles.

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Are two regular polygons similar if and only if they have the same number of sides?


What regular polygons have a line of symmetry that is also a diagonal of the polygon?

almost all even number of sided polygons, regular has to be

One regular polygons with an even number of sides are symmetrical?

Yes. Regular polygons with an odd number of sides are also symmetrical.

What are polygons that are regular polygons?

regular polygons are the ones that all sides are equal