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Q: Is the correlation coefficient a pure number without units?
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How do we know if a correlation is significant or not?

There are several statistical measures of correlation: some require only a nominal scale, that is, data classified according to two criteria; others require an ordinal scale, which is the ability to determine whether one measurement is bigger or smaller than another; others require an interval scale, which allows you to determine the difference in values but not the ratio between them. [A good example of the latter is temperature measured in any scale other than Kelvin: the difference between 10 degrees C and 15 degrees C is 5 C degrees, but 15 C is not 1.5 times as warm as 10 C.]The contingency coefficient, which is suitable for nominal data, has a chi-squared distribution.The Spearman rank correlation, requiring ordinal data, has its own distribution for small data sets but as the number of units increases to n, the distribution approaches Student's t-distribution with n-2 degrees of freedom.The Kendall rank correlation coefficient can be used in identical situations and gives the same measure of significance. However, the Kendall coefficient can also be used to test partial correlation - whether the correlation between two variables is "genuine" or whether it arises because both variables are actually correlated to a third variable.The Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient (PMCC) is the most powerful but requires measurement on an interval scale as well as an underlying bivariate Normal distribution.The significance levels of these correlation measures are tabulated for testing.A simple "rule of thumb" for testing the significance of PMCC is that values below -0.7 or above 0.7 are highly significant. Values in the ranges (-0.7, -0.3) and (0.3, 0.7) are moderate, and values between -0.3 and +0.3 are not significant.

What is 1728 for volumetric measurements?

1728 is a pure number. Without units it has no meaning in volumetric measurements.

What can you say about the relationship between a correlation r and the slope b of the least squares line form of data?

You can say that the correlation is positive if and only if the slope is positive. The correlation is zero if and only if the slope is zero. And the correlation is negative if and only if the slope is negative. On the other hand, slope does change when your measurement units change, while correlation does not change. (For example, the correlation between height in inches and weight in pounds will be the same as the correlation between height in centimeters and weight in kilograms, as long as both sets of measurements were taken on the same observations.)

What are units for Ideal Mechanical Advantage?

Ideal mechanical advantage is a numerical ratio. It's a naked number without a unit.

What fraction is 4 lbs?

The fraction is4/(the weight of the whole thing, in pounds) . The fraction is a naked number, without units.

Related questions

Does the units affect the correlation?

No. The units of the two variables in a correlation will not change the value of the correlation coefficient.

Does statistical correlation r have units?

No, r is a coefficient.

What is the correlation coefficient of -0.80 is found between factor A and factor B?

The correlation coefficient is a statistical measure of the extent to which two variables change. A correlation coefficient of -0.80 indicated that, on average, an increase of 1 unit in variable X is accompanied by a decrease of 0.8 units in variable Y. Note that correlation does not imply causation.

What represents the number of units of each substance taking part in a reaction?

The stoichiometric coefficient represents the number of units of each substance taking part in a reaction. It indicates the ratios of reactants and products in a balanced chemical equation.

The number placed in front of a chemical symbol or formula is called?

The number placed in front of a chemical symbol or formula is called a coefficient. It represents the number of molecules or formula units in a chemical reaction.

What does a coefficient represent?

It depends on the equation and the coefficient. Coefficients can be constant (Boltzmann constant, Avogadro's number) but they can also be variable (Reynolds number). The coefficient of gravity, g, is 9.81 m/s^2 in metric units on Earth.

What is the large number that appears in front of a chemical formula called?

The large number that appears in front of a chemical formula is called a coefficient. It represents the number of molecules or units of that particular substance in the reaction.

What are the units that friction is measured in?

The coefficient of friction is dimensionless; it has no units.

Is the coefficient of friction up to 13 unit?

No. Coefficient of friction is not measured in units.

What is the number placed in front of a chemical formula that tells how many atoms or molecules there are in the formula?

That is called a coefficient in a chemical equation. It indicates the number of molecules or units of a substance involved in a reaction.

What does a coefficient represent in a chemical formula?

It represents the amount of the substance. It can mean the number of atoms, molecules, formula units, or moles.

Difference between a constant and a coefficient?

Ya mum Constant are numbers which has no units (EG: PYE which is 22/7) . They are just numbers. Where as coefficients have units. . where as Coefficient like alpha the thermal coefficient has units .It is so many mm/meter/ deg C