The empty set is a finite set.
The whole number form an infinite set.The natural numbers less than 100000 form a finite set(either 99999 or 100000 members, depending on whether 0 is considered a natural number).The letter of the alphabet form a finite set (26 members for the English alphabet).The odd numbers form an infinite set.
An infinite number of even numbers are less than 10.
A set is finite if there exists some integer k such that the number of elements in k is less than k. A set is infinite if there is no such integer: that is, given any integer k, the number of elements in the set exceed k.Infinite sets can be divided into countably infinite and uncountably infinite. A countably infinite set is one whose elements can be mapped, one-to-one, to the set of integers whereas an uncountably infinite set is one in which you cannot.
There are an infinite number of values between 43 and 100. Each decimal can be infinitely subdivided. If you are considering values contained in the set of real numbers, both finite and infinite decimals must be included.
The empty set is a finite set.
The whole number form an infinite set.The natural numbers less than 100000 form a finite set(either 99999 or 100000 members, depending on whether 0 is considered a natural number).The letter of the alphabet form a finite set (26 members for the English alphabet).The odd numbers form an infinite set.
The set of positive integers less than 50 is finite (there are 49).The set of all integers less than 50 is infinite, because it includes an infinite number of negative numbers.
It is finite. There are exactly 66,415 of them.
It is 0 since the number of odd numbers less than 180 is infinite and a finite number "divided by infinity" is zero. However, if you limit yourself to positive integers, then the ratio is 49/90, which cannot be simplified.
The natural numbers are the counting numbers. Therefore, the natural numbers less than 31 are the numbers from 1 to 30.
An infinite number of even numbers are less than 10.
There are 9 natural numbers less than 10.
An infinite number.
There is an infinite amount of numbers less than 0.03
You need to provide a reason for your implied claim. If the infinite power created something which challenged him, weakened him, or took away from him, you might then make such a claim. But God, the only infinite power, is in no way weakened or made less by having created the universe. On the contrary, God's infinite wisdom is amply demonstrated in His creations.God's wisdom seen in His creationsMore about God's wisdom