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Q: Is the set of whole numbers greater than 8 is infinite or finite?
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Are the fraction the whole numbers 1 and 2 finite or infinite?

1/2 is finite. It represents a quantity called "one half".

Is the number of whole number is Finite or Infinite?

It is infinite.

Is a whole number an finite set?

No, it is countably infinite.

What are the finite sets -all whole numbers -all natural numbers less than 100000 -all letters of the alphabet -all odd numbers?

The whole number form an infinite set.The natural numbers less than 100000 form a finite set(either 99999 or 100000 members, depending on whether 0 is considered a natural number).The letter of the alphabet form a finite set (26 members for the English alphabet).The odd numbers form an infinite set.

What is meant by the term finite?

Finite means that something has a beginning and an end. As opposed to infinite which means something has no measurable ends.Converging lines meet at a point, parallel lines meet at infinity.

What number is not greater than 64?

I don't know how to "grate" a number ... numbers are not cheese. An infinite number of numbers are "greater" (larger) than 64. Likewise, an infinite number of numbers are not "greater" (in other words, less than) 64, starting with 63, 62, 61, ... Actually, there are an infinite numbers that are less than 64, but greater than 63, unless you specify "whole numbers".

Are infinite numbe rationals?

Yes. There are infinite whole numbers, and whole numbers are rational.

Is there an infinite number of whole numbers?

Yes, whole numbers will stretch to an infinite amount.

What number is greater than 2 and less than 3?

There is no whole number but a infinite fractional numbers

Is 40 a rational or irrational number?

Any whole number, any number with a finite number of decimals, and some numbers with an infinite number of decimals, are rational.