

Is the x axis positive

Updated: 4/28/2022
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7y ago

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No, it is negative, zero and positive.

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Q: Is the x axis positive
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How do you reflect over the y axis when your x axis is already negative?

The bit with the negative x-axis goes to the positive x-axis.

Which axis is and which is y?

By convention x is positive to the right ( horizontal axis) y is positive straight up ( vertical axis)

What are x and y axis?

the x and y axis in geometry is for graphing a line. the x axis goes horisontially, the positive on the right and the negative on the left. the y axis goes verticialy. the positive on the top, and the negative on the bottom.

When plotting polar coordinates, the positive axis is called the ___ axis?

x-axis = polar axis

What is nagative x axis?

It is part of the negative and positive horizontal x axis on the Cartesian plane

What does the positive or negative sign of a coordinate tell you about the location of the point?

Positive implies above the x-axis or to the right of the y-axis; negative implies below the x-axis or to the left of the y-axis.

How are ordered pairs used on a coordinate plane?

the first coordinate goes on the X axis, either positive (To the right of the Y axis) or negative (to the left of the Y axis). The second coordinate goes on the Y axis, either positive (above the X axis) or negative (below the X axis).

What is the equation of a line that bisects the angle between positive x-axis and positive y-axis?

45 degree

What is a x cordinate?

It is the distance, from the origin in the positive direction of the x-axis which is usually the horizontal axis going towards the right.

How do you reflect over x axis when y is negative?

When you reflect around the x-axis, the sign of every y-coordinate changes.If the point started out above the x-axis, it flips under ... positive 'y' becomes negative.If it started out under the x-axis, it flips above ... negative 'y' becomes positive.

How many times will the graph of a quadratic function cross or touch the x-axis if the discriminant is positive?

It will cross the x-axis twice.

What is the electron-pair geometry for S in SF6?

The geometry for SF6 is octahedral, with a central sulfur atom surrounded by 6 equidistant fluorine atoms situated in the following way: One on the positive x-axis, one on the negative x-axis, one on the positive y-axis, one on the negative y-axis, one on the positive z-axis, and one on the negative z-axis.