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Yes, one that has not matured.

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Q: Is there a five pound turkey?
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How long does a thirty five pound turkey take in a gas oven?

2 farthings

If a five-pound turkey takes 2.25 hours to cook. How many hours to the nearest tenth are required to cook a six pound turkey?

It would take the same amount of time. Now nearest tenth may be 2.30 or 2.20hrs

How many oz are in a pound of ground turkey?

There are 16 ounces in a pound. This means that in every pound of ground turkey, there is 16 ounces of ground turkey.

How to cook a 13-pound turkey How long does it take?

It would take about five hours to cook a 13 pound turkey on normal setting. However if there is time it is worth cooking the turkey on a far lower setting such as gas mark 2 and doing it fr 12 hours to get a more succulent bird.

How long do you cook a five pound turkey?

A good average time would be 1 hour and 40 minutes at 375 degrees.

A 11 or 12 pound turkey is equal to how many kg?

An 11 pound turkey is equal to approximately 5 kg, while a 12 pound turkey is around 5.4 kg.

What is roast time for pound turkey?

well i 17 pound turkey will cook for 8 hours if it helps

How many servings in 6 pound bone in turkey breast?

There are approximately 6 serving of turkey in a 6 pound bone in turkey. The turkey should feed about 6 adults.

How many people will a 9 pound turkey breast feed?

A 6.5 pound turkey will feed 6 adults. The rule with turkey, is there should be 1 lb. of turkey for every adult.

How long do you cook 14.33 pound turkey?

A 14.33 pound turkey should be cooked for about 2 hours. The turkey should be cooked at 325 degrees.

Does anyone know any pound-it or high five jokes like the snail one?

Turkey, when you are about to high five someone, put your hand in a fist and hit the middle palm of their hand and yell TURKEY! Jellyfish, when you are about to high five someone, move your fingers towards the floor and yell JELLYFISH.

What is roast time for 13 pound turkey?

well i 17 pound turkey will cook for 8 hours if it helps