There were 3 people sitting around a table.
A 14 year old, a 15 year old and a 92 year old.
There was a 6 pack of beer in front of them, but only 5 beers in it.
The youngest said I bet I can drink 3 beers
The older one said ha, I bet I can drink all 5
The old man said, you guys suck, I could drink your combined total, 8 beers.
The kids were embaressed so they went to go watch a Basketball game, it was really close. The score was 97 to 93
3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944 That's 60 digits not including the first 3.
The diameter of a 22 circumference circle is: 7
(pi)(1/pi)=1.4396 ...
3.14159 Pi is actually 3.141592654........... it goes on forever and that is all i can remember but u cant try using different websites as well. Some calculators say what pie is as well so just take a look around.
Pumpkin Pi.
you see pi is easy as pie all you have to do is remember 3.14159265
latale or maple story
In the story "Life of Pi" by Yann Martel, Pi kills a flying fish by hitting it with an oar. He then uses the fish as bait to catch a dorado.
just remember it by 3.14 The best way to remember pi is by memorizing the sentence: "How I wish I could determine of circle round the exact relation Archimede found" The number of letters in each word of this sentence represents one figure of pi. Only the last figure (5) from the word "found" does not correspond to the correct figure of pi in its position.
In "Life of Pi" by Yann Martel, the mystery speaker is the author himself, who is recounting Pi's story as it was told to him. The author presents the story as a work of fiction based on real events.
remember the story = recuerde la historia
here is 150 digits of pi by memory; 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640 628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223179408128
Remember the circle eq'n C = pi*d Algebraically rearranging d = C / pi Hence d = 52 pi / pi Cancel down by 'pi' Hence d = 52.
The falling action of "Life of Pi" includes Pi's rescue from the lifeboat in the Pacific Ocean, his arrival in Mexico, and his recounting of his fantastical journey to the Japanese maritime investigators. As the story winds down, the focus shifts to Pi's recovery, his reflection on the meaning of his ordeal, and the ultimate decision he makes regarding the truth of his story.
you use the formula A = pi r2. r is the radius and a is the area of a circle. you can use the formula in revers by doing the r = squareroot(A/pi). a easy way to remember the formula pi r2 is to remember that "pies are square" even though they are round.
Circumference of a circle = diameter*pi Diameter of a circle = circumference/pi
Pi Patel is a fictional character created by author Yann Martel for the novel "Life of Pi." The character and his story are not based on a real person.