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There is no real answer. The square root of negative one is denoted i for imaginary.

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Q: Is there any answer to what is the square root of minus one?
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Four of anything minus one of the same thing always leaves three of them.

What is the fourth power of the square root of minus one?

It is +1

How do you calculate the square root of minus one?

The square root of negative one is an imaginary number, signified by the italic lower-case i.

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The square root of any negative number is equal to the square root of its absolute value followed by i - an imaginary number representing the square root of minus one. Therefore, such that sqrt(25) = 5, sqrt(-25) = 5i.

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[ 2 minus square root of 5 ] is the only one.

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Negative square root is -√Square root of negative one is i.

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Rounded to two decimal places, sqrt(-2272) = 47.67 i. i is an imaginary number equal to the square root of minus one, and thus 47.67 i is equal to 47.67 times the square root of minus 1.

What is negative one minus an absolute number?

I, the square root of -1

What is the square root of the number who's square root is 2?

If this is supposed to be a riddle, it's not a very good one. The square root of the number whose square root is two is, obviously, two.

What is the integration of under root one minus x square?

It has to be a stupid answer anyway

What is x squared minus one equal two using square root?

X= plus or minus 1