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An infinite number of them.

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Q: Is there any decimal greater than 0.75?
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What decimal is greater than 1.26?

Any decimal equaled to or greater than 1.27.

Which decimal written as a percent is greater than 1?

Any decimal that is greater than 0.01

What decimal is less than 0.5 but greater than 0.01?

Any decimal numbers with two decimal places from 0.02 to 0.49 inclusive.

Is the sum of 45.3 and 3.21 greater than or less than 48?

The numbers before the decimal points add to 48 so any numbers greater than 0 after the decimal makes the sum greater than 48

Which decimal is greater than 3.43 and less than 3.44?

Any decimal number starting with 3.43For example, 3.432460587

What could the decimal be if a decimal is greater than 0.1 and less than 0.11?

Any value between 0.1001 and 0.1099

How do you create a decimal and a mixed number that r either greater or less than a number?

how do you create a decimal or a mixed number that is either greater or less than any number

Why can a decimal greater than 1 be a repeating decimal?

Any rational number, whose denominator has a prime factor other than 2 or 5 will have a decimal representation which is repeating. The size of the number, in relation to 1, is irrelevant.

What is the decimal if 3 tenths is greater than 80?

It is purple.Since the predicate, "3 tenths is greater than 80" is patently false, then any statement predicated on that falsehood is logically valid.

Is a repeating decimal greater than a decimal?

Repeating decimal and decimal are both numerical representations. The question depends on which numbers.

What is the decimal after 1.09?

There is no such number. Between any two numbers in decimal form, there are an infinite number of decimals. For example, 1.091 is after 1.09. But 1.0901 is greater than 1.09 and it is nearer. And 1.09001 is also greater than 1.09 but is nearer still. This can go on for ever.

What is the least possible decimal greater than zero?

There is no such thing.Choose any positive decimal - as small as you want. You can always create one that is even smaller, for instance, dividing it by 10 (adding an additional zero after the decimal point). For example, if you choose 0.000001, you can create a smaller decimal if you divide it by ten: 0.0000001. Since it is ALWAYS smaller to create an even smaller positive decimal, it follows that there is no smallest such decimal.