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Q: Is there more guys or girls in the world?
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Do guys like transgender girls-?

There are many guys in the world that are attracted to and like transgender girls.

Are guys like girls?

no guys are ruffer and dumber then girls and more ignorant

Do guys show more emotion then girls?

No. Girls are twice as emotional if not more. Guys hide their emotions.

Do girls cheat more often than guys?

yes girls cheat more than guys!!!

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more guys do

What if you are attracted to girls more than guys?

if you are a girl and you like girls more than guys. go ahead and date girls. sometimes guys even think it is hot

Do girls or guys flirt more?

Def. guys.!

Do more girls break up with guys or more guys break up with girls?

girls because they tend to fall for other people more and get mad more easily

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How gets married more white girls black guys black girls white guys?

White girls

Why are guys so much more immature then girls In most cases?

guys arent girls r more immature

Are there more girls than guys in Iceland?

yes there are more girls then guys in Iceland because they usually get baby girls and sometimes the girls do not go out they help there parents do work