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No, this is false.

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Q: Is this statement true Only bacterial spores are harmful?
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Are only some bacteria that form spores harmful?

no bactreria form spores only plants do especiall ferns

Why are seeds and spores different sizes?

According to Biologists, spores are smaller and lighter than seeds. Spores can only be seen with the use of a machine.

How infectious is clostridium tetani?

It is not infectious at all unless all of the conditions for germination are present. In the presence of anaerobic conditions (lacking oxygen), the spores can germinate rapidly and deadly. This is when the spores produce toxins that are harmful to the human nervous system. It is the only vaccine-preventable disease that is infectious, but not contagious.

At what stage in the microbial growth curve spores develop?

Spores form during the Stationary Phase of the Bacterial Growth Curve. During the lag phase or the log phase, things are good for the bacteria, so they arent thinking about what it is like to live without all the resources that they need, so they dont start forming the spores yet. Once the bacteria reach the death phase they are not able to form spores anymore, let alone stay alive. So the only phase that the spore forming bacteria make there spores is during the stationary phase.

Where can you get the mutated spores on Maplestory?

you get mutated spores in mushroom kingdom, but its only lvls 30-40

What type of spores do lycopodium produce?

Lycopodium is homosporous producing only one type of spores.

Why are bacterial spores not considered to be true reproductive bo?

Bacterial spore are not true reproductive structures as in reproduction there is the formation of many cell from one that is either by mitosis or meosis but in endospores there is only the modification occurs in bacterial cell which makes it resistant to temprature fluctuations and to certain chemicals. This endospore when get favourable condition againd change in complete bacterial cell, it is just conversion of one form of preexisting cell not the formation of new cell as occurs in reproduction.

What are plant spores used for?

Spores are like seeds. Only non-flowering plants and fungus reproduce by spores. Example: Bird's-nest Fern Spores are found underneath their leaves.

Is fern is only plant have spores?

no,others like adiantum caudatum,dryopteris and funaria have spores too.

Do only gymnosperms reproduce with spores?


How do you sterilize a belly bar?

Unless you have access to an autoclave (which you quite possibly don't) your only option is to take it to your local body piercing studio and have them autoclave the jewellery piece for you (they will charge you for this service). Only an autoclave can properly sterilize jewellery to ensure that bacterial growth and spores are killed.

Are only becteria spores are harmfull?

This is about the game.This is about the GAME called SPORE by Maxis. If you are talking about the game, there are no bacteria spores.