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Yes three tenths is greater than three hundredths

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Q: Is three tenths greater than three one hundredths?
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Is thirty one hundredths greater than three tenths?

Yes because thirty hundredths is like three tenths. since it is thirty-one hundredths it is more

Is tenths greater than hundredths?

It depends on how many you have. One tenth is greater than one hundredth, but fifty hundredths is greater than two tenths.

What is greater forty-hundredths or six tenths?

Six tenths is greater than forty one-hundredths. You can simplify forty one-hundredths to four tenths.

Is 3.67 greater than or less than 3.7?

3.67 (three and sixty-seven hundredths) is three hundredths (0.03) less than 3.7 (three and seven tenths).

Is 2 tenths and 4 hundredths greater than 4 tenths and 2 hundredths?

no it is not because two tenths anf four hundredths is like 24 and four tenths and two hundredths is like 42 so 42 is greater than 24

Is four tenths greater than five hundredths?

is four tenths greater than 5 hundredts

How is 0.5 greater than 0.32?

In the number 0.5, there are five tenths. In the number 0.32 there are only three tenths and two hundredths.

What is greater six tenths or six hundredths?

Six tenths is 6/10, or .6. Six hundredths is 6/100, or .06. Six tenths is greater than six hundredths by 0.54.

What is greater 5 tenths or 25 hundredths?

5 tenths is greater than 25 hundreths.

Is 5 hundredths greater than 5 tenths?


Why is 4 tenths and 2 hundredths greater than 2 tenths and 4 hundredths explain?

because four tenths is two times larger than two tenths

Is 36.7 greater than or less than 3.67?

36.7 (thirty six and seven tenths) is greater than 3.67 (three and sixty seven hundredths).