

Best Answer

A whole is 100%

Half is 50%

One third is (100 ÷ 3) = 33.3

Two thirds is 33.3 x 2= 66.6

Two thirds 66.6% is greater than One half 50%

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Q: Is two-thirds teaspoon more than one-half teaspoon?
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Is 1.0 milliliter more than 1 teaspoon?

No, it is less than a teaspoon

Is a milliliter more than a teaspoon?

No, a milliliter is about 1/5 of a teaspoon.

What is .375 in teaspoon?

.375 ml is much less than one teaspoon. A teaspoon is about 4.92 ml. it is a little more than 1/13th of one teaspoon.

Is a teaspoon the same as a cup?

no Not at all. A cup holds much more than a teaspoon.

How grams to a teaspoon?

Tsp(teaspoon) is volume and gram is weight. so it would depend on what the substance is. A gram of cotton would be more than a teaspoon, but a gram of lead would be much less than a teaspoon.

What is larger a half a teaspoon or a third teaspoon?

A half of anything is always larger than a third of the same thing.

Which would hold more water a teaspoon or a millimeter?

A teaspoon would hold more water than a millimeter. A teaspoon can hold around 5 milliliters of water, while a millimeter is a unit of length and does not have a volume measurement.

Does salt weigh more than sugar and baking soda?

Yes, salt generally weighs more than both sugar and baking soda because salt is denser. A teaspoon of salt will weigh more than a teaspoon of sugar or baking soda.

How many teaspoons equals 3.5 ounces?

An ounce is weight and a teaspoon is volume. A teaspoon of lead weighs a lot more than a teaspoon of water. It all depends on what you are weighing.

Do you use more than half a teaspoon of ground Cummin than seeds?

Yes, often.

What weighs more a salt or sugar?

A teaspoon of salt typically weighs more than a teaspoon of sugar because salt crystals are denser and heavier than sugar crystals.

Is a teaspoon greater than a millileter?

There are 5ml to every teaspoon. So a teaspoon is greater than a milliliter.