Unfortunately, limitations of the browser used by Answers.com means that we cannot see most symbols. It is therefore impossible to give a proper answer to your question. Please resubmit your question spelling out the symbols as "plus", "minus", "equals", "squared", "cubed" etc.
However, the expression in the question does appear to be linear.
A linear function is a function in which only the first power of the variables appears. A linear function is in the form of y=ax+b. When graphed, the graph is a straight line. 'a' is the slope of the line, 'b' is the value of 'y' where the line crosses the y-axis. For example: y=2x+4 is a linear function
If you graph a Linear equation it will be a strait line. If it doesn't come out strait, its not linear. Also a linear equation can be put into y=mx+b, with mx meaning the slope and b meaning Y-intersept.
it is impossible for a linear function to not have a y-intercept
Yes, y = 3+x is linear.
y = 4x-3 is already a linear equation. The slope is 4 and the y-intercept is -3
Derivative of 3x8 = 3*8x7 = 24x7
A Y-intercept and the slope. The y-intercept is where the line crosses the Y axis.
Linear equations can be written as y = mx + b. Any other function would be non-linear. Some linear equations are: y = 3x y = 2 y = -2x + 4 y = 3/4x - 0.3 Some non-linear functions are: f(x) = x2 y = sqrt(x) f(x) = x3 + x2 - 2
what is anther name for the y term in a linear equation
Yes, y = -4x + 3 is a linear equation.
y = 2x + 1 IS a linear equation!
It is linear. The highest power is 1 (x = x1, y = y1) so it is linear.