It is 64 which is also a square number
There are 20.
its 81
Less than or equal to
A perfect number is a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its proper divisors (excluding itself). The first four perfect numbers are 6, 28, 496, and 8128. These are the only known perfect numbers less than 50. Perfect numbers are rare and have special properties in number theory.
It is 64 which is also a square number
0, 1 and 64 are three numbers that qualify.
64 is the square of 8 and the cube of 4.
It is 1/3
It is not clear whether or not "between" is to be consider to include either or both of those two numbers. In any case, the solution is not too different in each case. Let's assume that the perfect cube being sought is strictly smaller than the larger of the two numbers given. We take the cube root of that number and round it downward to the nearest integer and then cube it. If that number is greater than (or equal in case "between" is inclusive) to the smaller of the two numbers, then that is the perfect cube being sought. If it is smaller than the smaller of the two numbers, there is no such perfect cube.
Yes it is.
There are 20.
The biggest perfect cube that is smaller than 250, is 216.
An ice cube has less friction than a sponge
You can use the Not function or the <> operator, which is the < and the > beside each other. To see if the values in A1 and A2 are not equal to each other, you can type: =A1<>A2 or =Not(A1=A2) In each case they will either give you TRUE if they are not equal or FALSE if they are equal, in the cell that you enter the formula into.
the cube of 7 is 7*7*7 which is 343. 19 less than that is 324.
The duration of Less than Perfect is 1800.0 seconds.