0.005 seconds
0.12 seconds
Expressed as a decimal fraction, this is equal to 3.3 recurring (that is, 3.333..) hours.
Half a millisecond is 0.0005 in decimals. This is only in seconds. 0.5 Milliseconds = 0.0005
160 is a decimal. You can write 160.0 if you want to.
1.6381666... minutes
25 minutes and 36 seconds
It is 8 seconds. A decimal representation does not imply a change in the measurement units.
30 seconds: exactly as in the question.
.006 seconds
From seconds to minutes: 1 minute/60 seconds For 90 seconds: (90 seconds)*(1 minute/60 seconds)=1.5 minutes
0.005 seconds
0.12 seconds
1 hour + 75 minutes = 2 hours 15 minutes... That's 2.25 hours as a decimal.
0.25 of an hour
21.0000001, 21.2, 21.9999.