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Because they both have four sides.

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Q: Juan said that the two figures below are quadrilaterals is he correct?
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A masculine singular adjective

Where was Juan Domingo Peron born?

Juan Peron was born in Lobos, Argentina in 1895. In the related links box below I posted the wikipedia article about Juan Peron.

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The correct way for this sentence to read is Do you know Juan very well?

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"John" in Spanish is "Juan". It is pronounced "Hwahn". Please see the Related link below for confirmation of the translation.

How do you write this sentence in a grammatically correct way Juan talked with Carl and I?

Juan talked with Carl and me.The pronoun 'I' is used as a subject of a sentence or clause; the objective form 'me' is used as the object of a verb or a preposition.

Where can you find a translation of juan darien by horacio quiroga?

You might find one at the link, below. Good luck!

Was Don Juan a real person?

There are different perspectives on the existence of a historical figure behind the character Don Juan. Some believe that Don Juan was inspired by various legendary figures, while others argue that he may have been based on real-life individuals from different time periods. The character of Don Juan has been portrayed in literature and theater in various ways, making it challenging to determine a concrete answer.

What does Esta muchacha es el hermana de Juan mean in English?

Translating this phrase into English, it is ' This girl is Juan's sister'. However, the correct phrase in Spanish is 'Esta muchacha es la hermana de Juan'. The word 'hermana' is a feminine noun, so it's 'la' and not 'el'.

How tall is San Juan Capistrano mission?

It is about 53' 10", but this answer may depend on which particular structure you have in mind. For more information, please access the related link(s) listed below:

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Father Lasuen was a missionary in the Americas. See the link below for a detailed answer.

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Click link below! See some works by cubist Juan Gris. You will clearly see how they are different.