"K" for 1000 has become more generally popular that "M" for 1000. The K comes from measurement (kilo) whereas the M is the Roman numeral for 1000. However, in banking and business people still commonly use M for 1000 and MM for 1,000,000. This can be confusing because if you don't know that then you may assume 10M means 10 million rather than 10 thousand.
K=1,000 | Thousand M=1,000,000 | Million G=1,000,000,000 | Billion This is as far as my knowledge takes me, hope this helps!!
K is short for Kilo and also for thousand, M is short of Mega and also for million, G is short for Giga and for billion, followed by: * Tera -- trillion * Peta -- quadrillion * Exa -- quintillion * Zetta -- sextillion ...and from there, you're on your own ;}
There are eight million/ten thousand = eight hundred.
Technically, yes. One thousand can be abbreviated as 'k' so 1000k would be 1 million. 5k would be five thousand, 125k would be one hundred and twenty-five thousand and so on. However the symbol for one million is M so the number 1,000,000 would more appropriately be abbreviated as 1M.
MM means Millions in the business world... M means thousands. K is not typically used in finance. For example: $25MM would mean $25 Million where $25M would mean $25 Thousand. +++ That may be so in America, but not elsewhere. The use of M for 'Thousand' would be potentially very confusing for international trade, journalism or travel used to 'M' = Million whether counting currency units, people or physical dimensions. That use of M is reflected in the ISO-SI measurements system, and IS used to mean million in finance as well as, say, tonnes of goods, in Britain and Europe. East of the Atlantic - and no doubt West of the Pacific - $25M = $25 Million.
"k" means thousand "m" means million
K=1,000 | Thousand M=1,000,000 | Million G=1,000,000,000 | Billion This is as far as my knowledge takes me, hope this helps!!
Depends on what country you're in, BUT (small) k stands for kilo- (thousand) and M stands for mega- (million) M for a thousand was latin (Roman) numeral symbols and MM was 2000.
350000 kb equals 350 Mb (just divide by one thousand!) k = kilo = thousand M = Mega = million G = Giga = billion (thousand million) T = Tera = million billion
Use "K" to represent thousand, and "M" to represent million in dollar figures. For example, $5K means $5,000, while $5M means $5,000,000.
"M" = thousand (from Roman numerals) "MM" = thousand thousand = million
Yes ... "m" = million ... "k" = one thousand ... so ... 2,440,000 is larger than 150,000 ...
K is short for Kilo and also for thousand, M is short of Mega and also for million, G is short for Giga and for billion, followed by: * Tera -- trillion * Peta -- quadrillion * Exa -- quintillion * Zetta -- sextillion ...and from there, you're on your own ;}
In Accounting, 'M' stands for 'thousand', and 'MM' stands for 'million' (thousand thousand).
the letter "K" is used to express thousand not "M"
Yes - a lot bigger. m means mega or million. k is kilo or thousand. 514 is 0.5mb
There are eight million/ten thousand = eight hundred.