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"K" for 1000 has become more generally popular that "M" for 1000. The K comes from measurement (kilo) whereas the M is the Roman numeral for 1000. However, in banking and business people still commonly use M for 1000 and MM for 1,000,000. This can be confusing because if you don't know that then you may assume 10M means 10 million rather than 10 thousand.

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Q: K or M v.s. Thousand or Million?
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If K equals 1000 what does one million equals?

K=1,000 | Thousand M=1,000,000 | Million G=1,000,000,000 | Billion This is as far as my knowledge takes me, hope this helps!!

If K is short for hundred thousand what is the letter sign for million?

K is short for Kilo and also for thousand, M is short of Mega and also for million, G is short for Giga and for billion, followed by: * Tera -- trillion * Peta -- quadrillion * Exa -- quintillion * Zetta -- sextillion ...and from there, you're on your own ;}

How many ten thousand are there in eight million?

There are eight million/ten thousand = eight hundred.

Is 1000k 1 million?

Technically, yes. One thousand can be abbreviated as 'k' so 1000k would be 1 million. 5k would be five thousand, 125k would be one hundred and twenty-five thousand and so on. However the symbol for one million is M so the number 1,000,000 would more appropriately be abbreviated as 1M.

Does mm mean thousand or million?

MM means Millions in the business world... M means thousands. K is not typically used in finance. For example: $25MM would mean $25 Million where $25M would mean $25 Thousand. +++ That may be so in America, but not elsewhere. The use of M for 'Thousand' would be potentially very confusing for international trade, journalism or travel used to 'M' = Million whether counting currency units, people or physical dimensions. That use of M is reflected in the ISO-SI measurements system, and IS used to mean million in finance as well as, say, tonnes of goods, in Britain and Europe. East of the Atlantic - and no doubt West of the Pacific - $25M = $25 Million.

Related questions

What does k and the m stand for on a resistor value?

"k" means thousand "m" means million

If K equals 1000 what does one million equals?

K=1,000 | Thousand M=1,000,000 | Million G=1,000,000,000 | Billion This is as far as my knowledge takes me, hope this helps!!

Should one thousand be abbreviated as 1K and one million as 1M or one thousand as 1M and one million as 1MM?

Depends on what country you're in, BUT (small) k stands for kilo- (thousand) and M stands for mega- (million) M for a thousand was latin (Roman) numeral symbols and MM was 2000.

350000 kb equals how many MB?

350000 kb equals 350 Mb (just divide by one thousand!) k = kilo = thousand M = Mega = million G = Giga = billion (thousand million) T = Tera = million billion

When referring to dollar figures when do you use the K and the M?

Use "K" to represent thousand, and "M" to represent million in dollar figures. For example, $5K means $5,000, while $5M means $5,000,000.

If MM is millions what is M?

"M" = thousand (from Roman numerals) "MM" = thousand thousand = million

Is 2.44mb bigger than 150kb?

Yes ... "m" = million ... "k" = one thousand ... so ... 2,440,000 is larger than 150,000 ...

If K is short for hundred thousand what is the letter sign for million?

K is short for Kilo and also for thousand, M is short of Mega and also for million, G is short for Giga and for billion, followed by: * Tera -- trillion * Peta -- quadrillion * Exa -- quintillion * Zetta -- sextillion ...and from there, you're on your own ;}

What does M and MM stand for in accounting?

In Accounting, 'M' stands for 'thousand', and 'MM' stands for 'million' (thousand thousand).

Is the letter M used to indicate 250 thousand?

the letter "K" is used to express thousand not "M"

Is 8.7 mb bigger then 514 KB?

Yes - a lot bigger. m means mega or million. k is kilo or thousand. 514 is 0.5mb

How many ten thousand are there in eight million?

There are eight million/ten thousand = eight hundred.