"Laws are made to be broken" is a popular phrase based on opinion. It is neither true nor false.
Natural Law is law that derives from the basic human instincts of morality, it is the highest law of society, For example, nobody need ever tell a human killing another human is wrong, they know by virtue of human morality Positive law is laws written and enacted by men, ie laws of a country eg constitution, acts of government etc Eg. Murder is wrong, is a natural law Eg You must stop at a red light while driving is a positive law MGSmith BCL, MA JUR It may be interesting to read the Nuremburg Trials of the Nazi's. When at trial the Nazi's claimed they had not broken any laws as they had followed all the laws of the country and all orders of their superiors (Herr Hitler) However, the judges decided that they had broken a higher law (Natural Law) That it is immoral to kill. The judges held that when a positive law (eg all Jews can be killed) conflicts with a natural law (murder is wrong) then one should always follow Natural Law and the Nazi's had failed to do this, they should have disobeyed their orders on virtue of natural law being the supreme law. Ironically because of this they were sentenced to death
there are 3 laws of arithmetic. These are Associative law, Distributive Law and Cummutative law.
Boyle's law, for selected variables. Not pressure and temperature, for example.Boyle's law, for selected variables. Not pressure and temperature, for example.Boyle's law, for selected variables. Not pressure and temperature, for example.Boyle's law, for selected variables. Not pressure and temperature, for example.
hipaa was made law in oreder to increase federal revenues true or false
This is a false statement.
False, substantive law does.
It is true that the judicial branch of the government interprets the law.
It is true in that it exists. Therefore, it is not illusory or false.
Ans: true