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Q: Length of a sheet of paper?
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How much is a pad of paper in cubic centimeters?

That's going to depend on the length, width, and thickness of a single sheet, and on the number of sheets in the pad.

What 6 items are lighter than 1kg?

A grape, a sheet of paper, an apple, a mouse, a dvd, a pencil.A grape, a sheet of paper, an apple, a mouse, a dvd, a pencil.A grape, a sheet of paper, an apple, a mouse, a dvd, a pencil.A grape, a sheet of paper, an apple, a mouse, a dvd, a pencil.

What would you measure in millimetres?

precision engineerting, e.g. piston ring size in car engines.

Myra draws and cuts out 8 planets for a class project she pastes each planet on a separate sheet of paper how many sheets of paper did Myra use?

From the data given in the question the only certainty is that at least 8 sheets of paper have been used - the 8 sheets onto which the cut-outs have been pasted. There is no statement in the question as to on what the planets were drawn before they were cut out. For example the planets could have all been drawn on a single piece of cardboard before being cut out and then pasted to a sheet of paper: each planet having a separate sheet of paper so that they could be attached to the wall in order from their sun with information regarding distance from their sun, the length of their day (in earth hours), the length of their year (in earth days/years), etc. Or perhaps they were drawn on a single sheet of paper, making the total 9 sheets; Or perhaps they were drawn on more sheets of paper - two or three smaller planets on a single sheet - adding two or more sheets of paper; Or perhaps a single sheet of paper is used per planet for the drawing, adding an extra 8 sheets. Therefore Myra used between 8 and 16 inclusive sheers of paper.

What geometric figure of sheet of paper?

A rectangle.

Related questions

How many dimension of thin sheet of paper?

A thin sheet of paper is essentially two-dimensional, with length and width. Height is very thin and can be negligible compared to length and width.

What is the estimated length of a sheet of loose leaf paper?

:3 feet

How many lineal feet on a 280 sheet 3ply 14GSM toilet paper?

280 * length of one sheet (in feet).

What is a 2-dimensional shape?

One with length and breadth, but no thickness. You could it out of a sheet of paper.

What is a third of A 4 paper in cm?

A sheet of A4 paper measures 29.7 centimetres in length and 21.0 centimetres in width. A third of this length would be 9.9 centimetres in length and 7 centimetres in width.

What tool or tools is used to measure a length of a sheet of paper?

A standard sheet of 'everyday' paper is likely to be measured in either millimetres or centimetres. Larger, commercial-sized sheets of paper may, however, be measured in metres.

How many dimension a paper have?

A sheet of paper will typically have three dimensions. There is the length, the width and the thickness of the paper which is measured in GSM. Paper comes in many sizes but A4 is probably the most popular.

How do you find a volume of a half sheet?

U mean half sheet paper. u should be aware of the equation (density=mass/volume) if you know the density and the mass of the paper u find the volume.. or else collect bundle of half sheet papers, put it together and measure the "height, length and the width of it. volume=length*width*height. so u know the volume of the bundle. if there were 100 sheets in a bundle you just divide it by 100 and then you get the volume for one sheet of paper.

How many vertical lines are there on a standard sheet of typing paper in length?

Oh, dude, there are technically infinite vertical lines on a standard sheet of typing paper if you wanna get all mathy about it. But if you're talking about the visible ones, like the ones that actually matter, there's just the one on the left side where you start writing. So, like, don't stress about it too much, man. Just grab a pen and start scribbling!

What does sheet mean?

A SHEET of paper.

How much does one sheet of computer paper weigh in grams?

That depends both on the size (length, width) of the paper, and on its thickness. The paper I use for printing has 75 grams per square meter; you can base your calculations on that (convert length and width to meters, and multiply by 75 to get grams per sheet). Or use some other thickness, depending on the paper you use.Please note that a gram is not technically a unit of weight, but a unit of mass.

How tall is a sheet of paper?

A typical sheet of paper is about 0.1 millimeters thick.