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Any two Prime Numbers satisfies this: [2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 ...] Otherwise any two numbers would do that do not share any Prime Factors
Any two prime numbers (5 and 87) or any two co-prime numbers (8 and 39).

There is an infinity of such pairs.

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13y ago

Any two numbers, which the only common factor between the two numbers is 1, will satisfy this. The two numbers are said to be coprime (they are not necessarily prime numbers though).

Examples are: 2 & 3; 3 & 4; 4 & 5; 9 & 20; 27 & 28.

I'm not sure of a proof, but I'm pretty sure that any two integers N & N+1, where N > 1 will work. So 99 & 100, for example (and a few I listed above satisfy this as well).

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Q: List a set of numbers for which the least common multiple equals the product of the two numbers?
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What least common multiple equals the product of the two numbers?

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Select any two numbers that are coprime: that is they do not have any factor in common. For example, 7 and 13, or 14 and 39, or 8 and 27

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