

Best Answer

21 = 2

22 = 4

23 = 8

24 = 16

25 = 32

26 = 64

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Q: List the first 6 powers of 2 starting with 2?
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Which list shows all the factors of 32?

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The prime numbers aré?

An infinite list starting with 2.

What are the first 10 powers of 2?

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What is the prime number list?

That's an infinite list, starting with 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 and so on.

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Doc Powers played in 2 games at first base for the Philadelphia Athletics in 1908, starting in none of them. He made 6 putouts, had 2 assists, and committed no errors, equivalent to 0 errors per game (estimate based on total games played in). He had no double plays.

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Doc Powers played in 7 games at first base for the New York Highlanders in 1905, starting in none of them. He made 72 putouts, had 5 assists, and committed 2 errors, equivalent to .286 errors per game (estimate based on total games played in). He had 2 double plays.

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Phil Powers played in 5 games at first base for the Cincinnati Red Stockings in 1882, starting in none of them. He made 39 putouts, had 4 assists, and committed 2 errors, equivalent to .4 errors per game (estimate based on total games played in). He had 2 double plays.

List the first 10 common multiples of 2 and 4 greater than 0?

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What were the fielding stats for baseball player Doc Powers playing at first base for the Philadelphia Athletics in 1902?

Doc Powers played in 3 games at first base for the Philadelphia Athletics in 1902, starting in none of them. He made 21 putouts, had 2 assists, and committed no errors, equivalent to 0 errors per game (estimate based on total games played in). He had one double play.