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Q: Lobachevsky's Negation created hyperbolic geometry
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Lobachevsky's Negation created spherical geometry?


Who was Omar khayyam and what did he contribute to Muslim civilization?

He created the math and geometry

What contributions to mathematics did Euclid make?

Euclid is best known for being the Father of geometry. He also created the oldest mathematical school teaching book called 'Euclid's Elements' which is still being used in school's world wide.

Who was Pythagoras and what was his contribution to science?

Pythagoras was a mathmatician/scientist in the Hellenistic period who created the basic Pythagorean theorem, a^2+b^2=c^2. It probably contributed to science because of geometry, and helping scientists find the area of a triangle much easier.

How was math created?

This is a reasonable question to ask and it might be useful to answer it as a teacher starting at the beginning and as successive stages of math education. Now, there may be some philosophical debate on this but I think the more accepted viewpoint is that math was not created, but rather discovered. For example, people working in differing regions at different times have discovered many of the same mathematical formula or theorems. Math was not created to give students busy work or to make you smarter. It was discovered. Often times mathematical discoveries result from applications. For example geometry was useful in construction. However, at the highest mathematical levels that exist today the discoveries are entirely abstract in nature. The applications may be to areas of physics. Now to get even more philosophical and go against the modern secular grain a bit we might say that math was created by God. That, however, is debatable as some would say even God is subject to mathematical rules. For example, can god create a four sided triangle? Is it possible for math to not exist? At some point the questions are difficult to answer, but for sure you can consider math to be one of mans discoveries.

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Lobachevsky's Negation created spherical geometry?


Who created hyperbolic geometry?

A Russian mathematician named Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky is the man credited with inventing hyperbolic geometry. Nikolai lived from 1792 to 1856.

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A Russian mathematician named Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky is the man credited with inventing hyperbolic geometry. Nikolai lived from 1792 to 1856.

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The Negation was created in 2020-08.

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