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No. Loudness is a scalar quantity. It lacks a vector or direction. Be sure not to confuse this by applying personal experience. Follow along. You are stationary. You hear a sound. You don't move when you hear it. It has some "apparent loudness" as you experienced it. It stops. You turn your head in the direction you think it came from and hold your head still. The sound starts again at the same level it was. It sounds louder to you because you are now facing the source. But it isn't actually louder. You hear better because you are facing the source. This does not mean the loudness has a vector associated with it. It does not.

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15y ago

Loudness has to do with psycho acoustics and is neither sound pressure nor acoustic intensity.

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What is the meaning of measurement of loudness?

Units used to measure loudness are Sone (loudness N) and Phon (loudness level L). Scroll down to related links and look at "Loudness - Wikipedia" and "Sound level change and the change of the respective factor of volume and loudness"

What could you use to measure the loudness of the sound?

Units used to measure loudness are Sone (loudness N) and Phon (loudness level L). Scroll down to related links and look at "Loudness - Wikipedia" and "Sound level change and the change of the respective factor of volume and loudness".

What unit is a measurement of loudness?

Decibel is a measurement of loudness.

What unit is measured of loudness?

Decibel is a measurement of loudness.

What units are used to measure sound loudness and softness?

Units used to measure loudness are Sone (loudness N) and Phon (loudness level L). Scroll down to related links and look at "Loudness - Wikipedia" and "Sound level change and the change of the respective factor of volume and loudness".

What is loudness mesured in?

Loudness is measured in decibels (dB), which quantifies the intensity of sound waves. The higher the decibel level, the louder the sound.

When was Loudness - band - created?

Loudness - band - was created in 1980.

Pitch is to frequency as loudness is to?

Loudness depends on the amplitude. square of amplitude is proportional to the loudness. Pitch is decided by the frequency. One can sing at higher pitch but at lower voice.

What is the unit of the loudness of sound?

Loudness is the quality of a sound that is primarily a psychological correlate of physical strength or amplitude. You can try to measure the sound pressure in decibels. Scroll down to related links and look at "Loudness in sones - Wikipedia ", Loudness level in phon - Wikipedia ", and Subjectivly sensed loudness (volume), objectively measured sound pressure (voltage).

How is amplitued related to loudness?

(amplitude)2 is directly proportional to loudness.

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What is an Alternative word for the amplitude of a sound wave?

Loudness. Volume.