Fractions are numbers that are "in between" integers (numbers such as 1, 2, 3, 7, 12, and so on). For example, 23/2 is between 11 and 12, and 3/2 is between 1 and 2. In fact, between any two numbers is a fraction. So there are really an endless number of fractions that are less than twelve- for example, 12/2, 6/5, and 1/4.
Yes 12 is less than 13
.12 is less than .24
4.8 is less than 12.Also written as: 4.8 < 12
Well, honey, if you take 4 times 100, you get 400. Then you subtract 12 from that, and you end up with 388. Math doesn't have to be a drama, darling.
less than
That is negative twelve. It means 12 less than zero.
12 inches = 1 foot. do the math and maltiply
12 months = 1 year, do the math and divide
18 less 12 means 18 minus 12. The answer to 18 less 12 is 6. 18 less than 12 means 12 minus 18. The answer to 18 less than 12 is negative 6.
12 is less than 1120
Yes 12 is less than 13
46 less than 12 is -34.
12 is 3 less than 15.
-15 is less than 12
.12 is less than .24