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Estimate means guess.

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Q: Math word for guess
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What does the word estimate means in math?

A guess

What does estimate?

The definition of the word estimated is to guess or roughly calculate a figure or value. This is commonly used in math problems.

Math in gym teaching?

there can be in a weird way i guess!

What does infer mean in math?

infer means to guess

What do pi have in common with fractions?

They are both about math, i guess

What do you call an educated guess on what will happen next in math?


What is a simple figure in math?

A square,circle,and triangle I guess.

Is density a math word?

No!! Its a science word!! you need math to calculate density but the word is a physics word

What is another math word for use?

Another word for math is ...matholagy

What is the word for an educated guess?

The word for an educated guess is "hypothesis".

Does cool math 4 kids have a virus on it?

My guess is that the only virus you'll catch there will make you good at math!

Is juxtapose a math word?

asdfasdf well ^ that was a stupid answer but yes it is a math word