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Q: Matter that has an equal amount of positive and negative charge are known as?
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Related questions

Does all matter have a negative or positive charge?

Electrons have a negative charge; Protons have a positive charge; and neutrons have no charge.

How does the amount of positive charge on a proton compare with the amount of negative charge on a electron?

equal but opposite

What fundamental property of matter is described as positive or negative?

Answer is CHARGE.

Which states of matter has a charge?

All the states of matter have charge. Solid, liquid and gas all have charges of positive or negative.

The fundamental property of matter that may be identified as positive or negative is?

electric charge

What particles has a negative charge and which has a positive charge?

Negative charge = electron Positive charge = positron Positive charge = proton

What is the charge of anion?

A cation has a positive charge and an anion has a negative charge.

What charge electron charge positive or negative?

Electrons carry a negative charge to balance out the positive charge of the proton.

What is the fundamental property of matter that comes in two types called positive and negative?


Does an electron or proton have a larger charge?

No. The electron and proton have the same amount of charge. Its just that the electron's charge is negative and the proton's charge is positive.

What is the difference between a negative and a positive?

positive ions carry positive charge and negative ions carry negative charge

Is an atom a negative charge or a positive charge?

An atom with positive charge is cation.An atom with negative charge is anion.