

Best Answer


  • Easy to find
  • Suitable for qualitative data
  • Actually observed value.
  • If a large number of potential values then may require a very large number of observations
  • Not suitable for grouped data - easily influenced by choice of groups.
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Q: Merits and demerits of mode
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What are the merits and demerits of recursion?

Ans: Merits of recursion are: Mathematical functions, such as Fibonacci series generation can be easily implemented using recursion as compared to iteration technique. Demerits of recursion are: Many programming languages do not support recursion; hence, recursive mathematical function is implemented using iterative methods. Even though mathematical functions can be easily implemented using recursion, it is always at the cost of execution time and memory space. The recursive programs take considerably more storage and take more time during processing.

What is appropriate mode?

Appropriate mode for WHAT?

What are the merits and demerits of arithmetic mean?

Arithmetic mean (the average) of a series of values can gives us a fairly decent estimate of the most probable value of a next input. For example in the group: 0, 3, 4, 6, 7, 7, 8 The average is 5. This gives us a good estimate of what we should expect a value to be. However, 5 does not appear even once in the group of values. The mean is not good for finding the most used value, the middle value, or dealing with extremes (numbers much higher or lower than most numbers in the group). Other statistical terms that can help add clarification to the mean are the median (middle number), mode (the most frequent number), and the range (the positive difference between the highest and lowest values).

What is set up configuration mode?

#Configure terminal for configuration mode #exit for previous mode #ctrl+z for set up mode

What is the Mode symbol?

There is no specific symbol for the mode.

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