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Q: Molecules And Atoms are the same thing True or False?
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It is false. They are called "Macromolecules."

Atoms are made up of tiny particles called molecules true or false?

FALSE. It is in fact the other way around. A molecule consists of two atoms or more kept together by chemical bonds.

Atoms join up in fractional numbers to form molecules true or false?

False. Atoms typically combine in whole number ratios to form molecules, following the principles of chemical bonding and valence electrons.

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The attraction between various combinations of atoms will produce bonds which form molecules. True False?

True. Atoms can form bonds with each other through the attraction between their electrons, resulting in the formation of molecules.

When balancing a chemical equation the number of H atoms in 2 CH4 is eight is this True or false?

True. In 2 molecules of CH4, there are a total of 8 hydrogen atoms because each CH4 molecule contains 4 hydrogen atoms.

True or false the basic unit of matter is a molecule?

False. The basic unit of matter is an atom, not a molecule. Atoms are the smallest unit of a chemical element, while molecules are made up of two or more atoms bonded together.

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False. A compound with one boron atom and three fluorine atoms is called boron trifluoride, not monoboron fluoride.

True or false the space between atoms or molecules is empty and contains nothing?

False. The space between atoms or molecules is not empty; it is filled with electrons, which are negatively charged particles that surround the positively charged nuclei of the atoms. Additionally, there can be other particles or forces present in this space.

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False, iron atoms are converted to iron oxide