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Q: Mr Right is 5 times older than his daughter but in 2 years time he'll be 4 times as old as his daughter How old is Mr Right now?
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If a women is 21 years older then her daughter and will be 5 times as old as her within 6 years how old are they?

The mother is 26 and the daughter is 5

A person is 5 years older than his wife who is 5 times as old as her daughter if the daughter was 5 years old 3 years back what is age of person?

he would be 45 years old

Rosa is three times as old as her daughter maria the sum of their ages is 44 years how old is Rosa?

Thirty Three Years Old 3 times 11 is 33. She is three times older

If the father is 44 years old and 1 and a half times older than the mother how old is the mother?

110 right?

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Rachel, she is 7 years older than Jessie

Do the Duggars have a daughter older than Josh?

No, Josh is the oldest Duggar child. But he has a cousin who they call "Cousin Amy" who is two years older than him.

Mrs Harrison has 6 daughters Each daughter is 4 years older than her next younger sister The oldest daughter is 3 times as old as her youngest sister How old is each daughter?

the youngest is 4 the next is 8 the oldest is 12 The above is incorrect. The youngest is 10 the oldest 30.

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How many years will it be until Mr Walker is 3 times older than his son Mr Walker is 22 years old and his son is 2 years old?

It will take 20 years for Mr Walker to be 3 times older than his son. This is because Mr Walker is currently 20 years older than his son (22 - 2 = 20), and when his son is x years old, Mr Walker will be 3 times older than him (x = 20).

Sam is 5 years old. His older brother Tom is three times as old as Sam. When Sam is 20 how old will Tom be?

If Sam is 5 years old, Tom is three times older or 15 years old making him 10 years older than Sam. Therefore when Sam is 20, Tom wlll still be 10 years older. Tom will be 30 years old.

How old do you have to be to have the right to choose who to with live with?

you have to be 18 years old and older .

Are Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger's children twins?

No, their daughter Rose is about two years older than her brother Hugo.