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The nine most common properties are:

  • Associative property of addition (a +b) + c = a + (b+c)
  • Commutative property of addition a + b = b + a
  • Additive identity property of 0 a + 0 = 0 + a = a
  • Existence of additive inverses For every a there exists -a so that a + (-a) = (-a) + a = 0
  • Associative property of multiplication (a x b) x c = a x (b x c)
  • Commutative property of multiplication a x b = b x a
  • Multiplicative identity property 1 a x 1 = 1 x a = a
  • Existence of multiplicative inverses For every a ≠ 0 there exists 1/a so that a x 1/a = 1/a x a = 1
  • Distributive property of multiplication over additions a x (b + c) = a x b + a x c
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