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Q: Name each part of the subtraction problem?
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Related questions

Is sum part of addition or subtraction?

addition Sum is the result of an addition problem. Difference is the result of a subtraction problem.

What do you call the top part of a subtraction problem?

The minuend

When you have a math problem that requires a minus what are the names of each part?

If you are thinking of a simple subtraction problem: 18 minus 11 equals 7. 18 is the minuend, 11 is the subtrahend, and 7 is the difference.

The first two number are called in a subtracting problem?

Each part of a subtraction problem has a name. Remainder is what is left over (answer). When you are subtracting to compare two groups, or to find out how many more things are needed, this is called the difference. The number being taken away or subtracted is the subtrahend. The number from which the subtrahend is taken is called minuend.

What part of speech is the word subtraction?

Subtraction is a noun.

What are the terms of the polynomials?

each individual part separated by addition or subtraction. ex: 3x2 + 5x + 7 has 3 terms, 3x2 and 5x and 7

What part of speech is the word each in this sentence each learned the math problem for the test?

Each is a pronoun.

Is addition subtraction division or multiplication part of geometry?


How many key words in subtraction?

The word 'subtraction' is the noun form of the verb to subtract, a word meaning to take away. The noun 'subtraction' is a word for the process of taking a part away from the whole.

Is addition and subtraction is a part of commercial mathematics?

audit to bank working system

What is the two part biological name for each organism?

Binomial .

The real mean of You're either part of the solution or you're part of the problem.?

Basically, it refers to character disorder, where a person blames everything and everybody else for a problem rather than take some of the responsibility themselves. So if we accept some of the responsibility for the problem, we are part of the solution. If each of us did this more, the problem would be eradicated.