Isosceles TetrahedronA solid with four faces is a tetrahedron. Each of the faces is a triangle. If all the triangles are congruent, you have an isosceles tetrahedron.
it is an oblique straight oval.
Each side is called a face.
A pentagon
Well, honey, the geometric name for the shape of a carrot is a "cylindrical tapered" shape. So next time you're munching on a carrot, just remember you're chomping on a fancy geometric figure. Keep on snacking, darling!
It is a sphere
A hollow cylinder.
A cylinder as an example perhaps.
A cuboid prism
Its name is called a square based pyramid.
In the common use of the phrase "geometric solid", the answer is three. In advanced mathematics, dimensions greater than three are also studied. In many cases, the name of a plane (two-dimensional) figure has the ending "-gon" as in "hexagon", while the name of a solid figure (three dimensional) has the ending "-hedron" as in tetrahedron.
Rhombus is the geometric name.
The word sought may be the genus Pyramidae, which are sea snails.The name derives from the geometric solid, the pyramid.
Isosceles TetrahedronA solid with four faces is a tetrahedron. Each of the faces is a triangle. If all the triangles are congruent, you have an isosceles tetrahedron.
Its the name for a shape
The name of an eleven sided geometric shape is a Hendecagon or endecagon.
Quadrilateral is the name fr a geometric figure with 4 sides.