Father: Nicolaus Copernicus Senior
Mother: Barbara Watzenrode
Older Brother: Andreas Older Sister: Katharina
Other Older Sister: Barbara
Also known as the founder of modern astronomy, Nicolaus Copernicus was the first His work forever changed the place of man in the cosmos; no longer could man, astronomers who came to Copernicus to learn more about his new theory.
It has seven names
many names for noumber . write five names for 64.
There are no specific names for the faces.
What is the names of all the triangles?
names of the lynx family
names of the lynx family
Gods do not have family names.
Dirty Family
Some of Jacqueline Wilson's family names include Wilson, Tate, Beaker, and Dean.
Names passed down my a mom in your family.
Hi what is all of your names ? please answer
Proper names ending in CH (first names or family names) add -ES to the end to form a plural. Example: Rich/Riches, March/Marches (the March family)
From somebody in the family
me that's who
he has sisters