idk need help on this one question with equivelnt fractions and need a answer
HELP! HELP! HELP! i need to know this question
i don't know i need help with the same question so look it up if your smart enough to:) :D lol
If you ask a math question, such as "What is two plus four?" someone will likely answer it for you. If you need to understand how to do something, such as factoring, you can ask about that too.
I need this information for a project and I forgot my math book that has all the vocabulary in it. I thought it would be on here out of all places! I guess not. I still like this site anyway. Will somebody help answer this question we need u!!!!!
I believe this question refers to the fact that the partial differential equation that describes heat transfer is classified as a parabolic equation. So you would see these two terms together when people talk about the "parabolic heat equation" (meaning the heat equation, which is a parabolic equation): <math>u_t = k(u_{xx} + u_{yy} + u_{zz})</math>
What is parabolic mean
What is the question?
simple, you go get a computer and type in the question i am answering right now.Dumbass
i need help asap this is the question.
Help with what? Ask a question and be specific.Help with what? Ask a question and be specific.
A parabolic reflector typically refers to a curved surface that reflects or focuses light, sound, or radio waves to a specific point. A parabolic dish specifically refers to a type of parabolic reflector commonly used to collect or reflect electromagnetic waves, such as in satellite dishes. While they are both parabolic in shape, a parabolic dish is a specialized form of a parabolic reflector designed for a specific purpose.
The synonym for the adjective parabolic would be parobolical.
i have no idea! i need the answer for that question help me i need help please
Please be more specific in your question about what you need help with. The wording of this question gives no clue.
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